Mess and Mistake Only!


The admission from the incumbent President! The writings were on the wall for the last 25 years, about the mess, which is actually the result of the ‘controlled chaos’ and export of new liberal theories in the region. And now admitting that it was a mistake. Only a mistake, but we take that, fine.  But who will now pay for the mistake? Who will be taken into account for the loss of millions of lives, and the complete destruction of the countries in the region, which will take generations to recover and reconstruction?

Weren’t we told that the values of the liberal world is to make everybody accountable for the deeds, that it is the free world, with the freedom and liberal values! Lets see where are the values, and they are applied on themselves now! So far we have been lectured about the human rights, and etc. etc. for over a century, starting from Japan, Nazis, Soviets, and then we saw the Nuremberg trials. Those could also be called mistakes, by the perpetrators were brought to justice then and tried. How about this time? Who will bring them to justice? Where is the community now? Of values?

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